środa, 12 marca

Rok: 2021

Air Travel and Global Warming

Air Travel and Global Warming

As the world’s awareness of global change is rising, people begin to question the sustainability of air travel. As the majority may realize, air travel has a profoundly negative effect on our planet's climate. One transatlantic flight, from London to New York, accounts for the same amount of emissions as a typical American household does in a year. Pollution is expected to rise Surprisingly, air travel only accounts for 2.5% of the world's carbon emissions, as of 2021. To be exact it accounts for, 1.9% of the world’s emissions of greenhouse gasses and 3.5% of “effective radiative forcing” (Radiative forcing is the change in energy flux in the atmosphere caused by natural or anthropogenic factors of climate change as measured by watts / metre ^2). However these statistics change year...
Maximilien Robespierre and the French Revolution
Historia, Najlepsze

Maximilien Robespierre and the French Revolution

Maximilien François Marie Isidore de Robespierre was a French lawyer and statesman, best known for his incredible influence on the French Revolution. Maximilien Robespierre is best known as the principal figure behind the Reign of Terror, a period of radical revolutionary activity in France during which thousands were executed for “crimes against liberty”. Involvement in the Revolution Robespierre’s political affiliations varied - he was part of the Jacobin Club, the National Convention and the Committee of Public Safety, all of which played a pivotal role in French politics. As a member of the Constituent Assembly and the Jacobin Club, he advocated for universal manhood suffrage and the elimination of both clergy celibacy and slavery. In 1791, Robespierre became a vocal advocate for...
Christmas Truce 1914
Historia, Najlepsze

Christmas Truce 1914

  In the recent days, Christmas is a very special day for plenty of reasons. Today, it's something more than a Christian celebration of Jesus's birth, in the mass culture it's a day when people forget their disputes, grudges and negative emotions. Instead, they try to be friendly to everyone. But how far this can go? 107 years ago whole Europe saw the true strength of Christmas spirit and something unbelievable happened – during one of the bloodiest wars ever, soldiers from two sides stopped fighting and celebrated this day together. Background On 28th of August 1914 the Great War began. Austro-Hungarian attack on Serbia turned into conflict which engaged all of contemporary Great Powers. Both sides hoped for a quick victory – for example Germans followed the Schlieffen's Plan w...
Why are we politically divided?

Why are we politically divided?

Famous political philosophers often admit in their speeches that they have one wish – that one day their ideology will rule the world, everyone will follow it. However, it never happens and we cannot see any signs that this will change. What is the reason for this situation? The answer is quite simple – we all are different. Since our birth, we are raised in a specific background (it does not matter if it is a mix of different backgrounds, it still is specific) and so we learn different values. It is very hard to make someone completely leave behind the values that they were taught in their childhood. Different backgrounds Let us look at some examples. Nestor Ivanovych Makhno, a famous Ukrainian anarchist, was born in a very poor peasant family. When he was just 7 years old he be...
Brain organoids – science-fiction in real life
Najlepsze, Nauka

Brain organoids – science-fiction in real life

In the last decade, the interest in human stem cells in therapy increased due to the demand for new technologies for curing particular diseases. Some time ago, “organoids”- organs-like structures from stem cells in our body were created, just like in a science fiction book. Organoids can provide knowledge about the complexity of the organs, how they work, grow, or even how the diseases form on them. However, this new “tool” raises several ethical and moral issues. Ethics behind the use of human stem cells to grow the brain Most attention gets to brain organoids as the matter of undefined existence of developed consciousness as it is the characteristic of the brain. However, is the creation of new healthy organs beneficial for society to cure diseases located in the brain? The questio...
Meeting with Jessica Bruder –  author of “Nomadland” [REVIEW]

Meeting with Jessica Bruder – author of “Nomadland” [REVIEW]

As a part of the American Film Festival, the US embassy in Poland organized a meeting with Jessica Bruder- a writer and a teacher in Columbia school of journalism. Her most famous book is called “Nomadland”, which was the main topic of the meeting. She also described the process of writing the non-fictional novel and her personal experience connected to it. Eye-opening event I consider the meeting with an author of the “Nomadland” as an eye-opening event. Not only was it an exceptional opportunity to get to know the author, but also a wonderful way to broaden my knowledge of journalism and learn more about the "nomads". Listening to a live conversation of such a successful and inspiring personality allowed me to have a better understanding of the emotional attachment of the wr...
2021 Skytrax Awards

2021 Skytrax Awards

The aviation world has been struggling since the start of the COVID pandemic in early 2020. With most airlines grounding their aircraft, the Skytrax ranking differs more than ever. With air travel slowly returning to the pre-COVID conditions many airlines are finding their way back onto the SKYTRAX ranking. This year's SKYTRAX award has ranked airlines based on their prior conditions such as the crew, age of the fleet, onboard entertainment and passenger reviews as well as responses to the COVID pandemic. This year’s award nomination has seen its typical nominees with Qatar Airways taking the number one spot for the first time since 2019, this is the 6th time Qatar Airways has received the reward, previously being awarded it in 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015 and 2017, in addition Qatar ...
Land art in Pieńki
Najlepsze, Szkoła, Sztuka

Land art in Pieńki

Land art centres around rejection of the commercialization of art-making and includes spiritual reflection on the planet Earth as home to humanity. It is made directly in the landscape, sculpting the land itself into earthworks or making structures in the landscape using such objects as rocks or twigs found on-site. During our open air workshops in Pieńki students had an unique opportunity to work distant from urban areas. They observed the vast sky and the distant horizon line; variability of colours and light depending on the time of day and weather. They examined different structures and textures of natural materials like soil, stones, vegetation, and water. These observations were a starting point for land art assignment. The aim of the task completed in Pieńki was to expan...
A guide to studying abroad (in English)
Najlepsze, Nauka, Porady, Szkoła

A guide to studying abroad (in English)

Studying abroad is a very appealing option to many. You get to completely change your surroundings, gain more freedom, and have a higher quality of education. However, before all of this becomes possible, you need to first choose your country of destiny and deal with the often complicated and confusing application process. This article aims to help you out a bit in making this choice and providing some basic information that will hopefully give you a better sense of understanding of what you are getting yourself into.   Great Britain Before Brexit, it was the most obvious and popular choice. World’s best universities, located in Europe, and everybody speaks English there. Now, some people still apply there but in much smaller numbers and usually only to the top universities. ...
Last days in Kabul, story of 15-year-old girl escape from Taliban
Najlepsze, Społeczeństwo

Last days in Kabul, story of 15-year-old girl escape from Taliban

On 19 September 2021 I had enormous pleasure to meet and talk to Guhar Rasuli – a 15-year-old girl that was forced to leave her homeland – Afghanistan owing to attacks of the Taliban in Kabul where she was studying in an international school and living her best day-to-day life. Everything has changed on her birthday, when the attacks happened, and left Guhar’s family, amongst many others, with no other option were pushed to run away and start a new life. Poland was definitely not a first nor the most obvious choice for Afghan immigrants; however, Polish government helped them to find a safe spot here and time to figure out what to do and how to start a life on a new continent, in another culture amongst different people. As I talked with Guhar, she, as well as her famil...