poniedziałek, 17 lutego


Are we, Gen Z, Becoming A Fragile Generation?
Najlepsze, Nauka

Are we, Gen Z, Becoming A Fragile Generation?

My generation has grown up in a world of constant technological advancements, social media influence, and a what-so-peaceful one. Generation Z, also known as the iGeneration, is the demographic group following the Millennials. Born between the mid-1990s and the early 2010s and with our unique upbringing, there has been a growing concern about the overall health of our generation, both mental and physical. According to a study by the American Psychological Association, Gen Z is the most stressed generation, with 91% of us reporting symptoms of anxiety and depression (APA, 2023). Similarly, various studies have shown that there are “declining health trends in recent generations” (Zheng, 2021), our generation showing increases in metabolic syndrome as the main culprit. This is a signifi...
Why internships are valuable for high school students: my experience at the Skanska training program.
Najlepsze, Nauka

Why internships are valuable for high school students: my experience at the Skanska training program.

In the United States 62.1% of people have professions unrelated to their field of study and only 27.3% work in the field they majored in. I always wanted to pursue a career in business, however I never actually visited an office or participated in business meetings or projects. That is why I used the opportunity given by the school and, along with students from DP 1 and DP 2, I attended a 2 week long internship at Skanska, one of the biggest construction and development companies worldwide. What have I learned and what have I found surprising? Despite the fact that I knew I wanted to study a course related to business and management, I never knew what work in a company or organization actually looks like. Firstly I learned how meetings with brokers look like and that instead of clien...
The Creation of the Unabomber
Najlepsze, Nauka, Społeczeństwo, Uncategorized

The Creation of the Unabomber

The University and Airline Bomber, or as deemed by the media - Unabomber, severely injured nearly two dozen people, and caused the painful deaths of three individuals. He had the FBI wildly, and fruitlessly, chasing him for nearly 17 years, and the public shaking in fear for the same amount of time. Yet, according to him, he only did these heinous acts to warn the public, to spread his manifesto, claiming in it that technology is the doom of man, it seems that he was the doom in this case. Who’s the face behind the killings? However, what was the reason for this certified genius of a mathematics professor to snap and turn violent? Could this abrupt change of behaviour be blamed on his untreated schizophrenia mixed with rough childhood experiences, or was there more to the pi...
How to become a psychotherapist?
Najlepsze, Nauka, Porady

How to become a psychotherapist?

  A psychotherapists job is to aid anyone willing to be helped, doesn’t matter if they’re neurotypical or suffering from some mental disorder. The importance of people working in psychotherapy is steadily increasing, especially in the time of normalization of therapy as well as, society stepping away from its previous harmful stigma surrounding therapy. Steps of becoming a psychotherapist Now, although becoming a psychotherapist may be rewarding for the simple joy of helping those in need, the hardships one must face to become, and maintain, this job, such as the expenses and time of experience, as well as the mentally draining nature of this work, should be considered before choosing this path. Firstly, the steps of becoming a psychotherapist may seem easy, simply receiv...
Brain organoids – science-fiction in real life
Najlepsze, Nauka

Brain organoids – science-fiction in real life

In the last decade, the interest in human stem cells in therapy increased due to the demand for new technologies for curing particular diseases. Some time ago, “organoids”- organs-like structures from stem cells in our body were created, just like in a science fiction book. Organoids can provide knowledge about the complexity of the organs, how they work, grow, or even how the diseases form on them. However, this new “tool” raises several ethical and moral issues. Ethics behind the use of human stem cells to grow the brain Most attention gets to brain organoids as the matter of undefined existence of developed consciousness as it is the characteristic of the brain. However, is the creation of new healthy organs beneficial for society to cure diseases located in the brain? The questio...
A guide to studying abroad (in English)
Najlepsze, Nauka, Porady, Szkoła

A guide to studying abroad (in English)

Studying abroad is a very appealing option to many. You get to completely change your surroundings, gain more freedom, and have a higher quality of education. However, before all of this becomes possible, you need to first choose your country of destiny and deal with the often complicated and confusing application process. This article aims to help you out a bit in making this choice and providing some basic information that will hopefully give you a better sense of understanding of what you are getting yourself into.   Great Britain Before Brexit, it was the most obvious and popular choice. World’s best universities, located in Europe, and everybody speaks English there. Now, some people still apply there but in much smaller numbers and usually only to the top universities. ...
Is there life on Mars?
Najlepsze, Nauka

Is there life on Mars?

In order to celebrate the fact that Perseverance reached the Red Planet, I decided to write the overview of us, Terrestrians and our history with Mars. The NASA Mars Exploration Program currently has five operating missions on the Red Planet, all with the same goal: answer question “Is there life on Mars?”. But let’s start from the very beginning, shall we? God of War It is hard to say when was the first time that Mars was recorded as a wandering object on the night sky, but it is known that by 1534 BCE ancient Egyptian astronomers already knew about its retrograde motion. Later, Babylonian scientists would regularly record the position of the planet, and thus make systematic observations of its behavior. They even developed some arithmetic techniques to predict the futu...
Despite coronavirus, don’t forget about the climate change
Najlepsze, Nauka

Despite coronavirus, don’t forget about the climate change

Bushfires in Australia. (source: nytimes.com) In recent days, with the coronavirus Covid-19 worldwide outbreak, it seems as if everyone have forgotten about the climate change crisis, one that has caused Australian bushfires, which burnt over 186 000 square kilometers of land across the continent, claimed 34 lives and caused an environmental disaster. Black summer More than a billion animals were killed and back-then-threatened species were pushed towards extinction. Thousands of homes were destroyed, leaving millions of people seeking shelter. What began as just several uncontrolled fires back in June 2019, have quickly escalated, acquiring the name of Black Summer. One of the factors that can be linked to these fires, is the increase in the global temperatures. The curr...
Młodzieżowy Strajk Klimatyczny w Warszawie
Nauka, Społeczeństwo, Wydarzenia

Młodzieżowy Strajk Klimatyczny w Warszawie

Młodzieżowy Strajk Klimatyczny (MSK) to organizacja zrzeszająca nastolatków, którzy pragną pomóc naszej planecie. Organizują nie tylko strajki, ale również inne wydarzenia, które mają na celu skupienie uwagi m.in. mediów i osób rządzących na problemach ekologii. Zdecydowanie najważniejszym wydarzeniem współorganizowanym przez MSK był Strajk Tysiąca Miast. W tą sprawę zaangażowały się kraje na całym świecie! A dokładnie rzecz ujmując, 2820 miasta (w czym 71 polskich), 157 krajów, rozłożonych na 7 kontynentach. Strajki na terenie Polski miały sześć głównych postulatów: Wprowadzenie polityki klimatycznej opartej o aktualne zdobycze nauki. Wezwanie rządu polskiego do uznania katastrofy klimatycznej przez oficjalne ogłoszenie stanu kryzysu klimatycznego. Zawarcie w podstawie p...
Eco Driving – nie tylko dla samochodów
Najlepsze, Nauka, Społeczeństwo

Eco Driving – nie tylko dla samochodów

Jeden z prototypów symulatora oszczędnej jazdy pociągiem firmy REDS. W ostatnich latach zainteresowanie ekologią i zmianami klimatu znacznie wzrosło i coraz więcej osób na całym świecie jest świadomych problemów środowiskowych. Powodów jest wiele, ale do najbardziej istotnych należą rzeczywiste zdarzenia dotykające coraz większe grupy ludzi na całym świecie takie jak ostatnie pożary lasów deszczowych i tajgi, a w skali lokalnej - niemalże całkowite wyschnięcie Wisły na przełomie lipca i sierpnia. Wydarzenia te są nie tylko częstsze, ale na dodatek przybierają na sile. W związku z narastającymi zagrożeniami i zapowiadaną katastrofą klimatyczną, która jest coraz bliżej, ludzie próbują podejmować działania, które powstrzymają lub przynajmniej spowolnią zmiany klimatu. Do tych dział...