środa, 12 marca

Rok: 2021

What factors affect a person’s susceptibility to believing in conspiracy theories?
Najlepsze, Społeczeństwo

What factors affect a person’s susceptibility to believing in conspiracy theories?

In 2019 around 11% of US citizens believed that the moon landing was fake. 23% believed that the September 11 attacks were planned by the US government. Even outside of the USA many conspiracy theories are well known and believed in by great numbers of people. The internet made even more people able to learn about them. However, out of all the people who will encounter a conspiracy theory, not all will actually end up believing in it. What makes a person more likely to believe in conspiracy theories? There are several factors that have been found to increase one’s susceptibility to believing in them.   Feeling of social isolation One study, conducted by a team led by Richard Moulding in 2016, found that people who feel socially isolated are more likely to believe in conspiracy th...
Od potęgi do kryzysu, Rzeczpospolita Obojga Narodów w II połowie XVII wieku
Historia, Najlepsze

Od potęgi do kryzysu, Rzeczpospolita Obojga Narodów w II połowie XVII wieku

Rzeczpospolita Obojga Narodów powstała w 1569 roku na mocy Unii Lubelskiej łącząc Koronę Polską i Wielkie Księstwo Litewskie. Była jednym z większych państw europejskich, zarówno pod względem powierzchni, jak i liczby ludności. XVII wiek był dla Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów okresem wielu konfliktów zbrojnych, ale także kryzysów politycznych, gospodarczych i społecznych, które szczególnie nasiliły się w drugiej połowie tego stulecia. Europa i Polska w XVII wieku XVII wiek to okres, w którym w Europie m.in. następował powolny koniec potęgi Hiszpanii, umacniała się pozycja Francji i Brandenburgii, rosła potęga Szwecji, a z południa następowała ekspansja turecka. Pierwsza połowa XVII wieku w Europie to czasy wojny trzydziestoletniej, w którą zaangażowane były prawie wszystkie liczące ...
Femicide in Mexico – price of being a woman
Najlepsze, Społeczeństwo, Wydarzenia

Femicide in Mexico – price of being a woman

As the whole world is battling the Covid-19 pandemic, women took up another fight. The ‘Shadow Pandemic’, as the UN Women called it, is a drastic surge in gender-based violence against women that has been taking place since the Covid outbreak. Lockdown and isolation from the outside world created a great environment for men to abuse women with impunity. In some countries, domestic abuse reports increased even fivefold. All over the world, women are fighting for their rights to autonomy and safety. In some places, for example Poland, this fight has been going on for months now. In others, a wave of protests was caused recently by a story of Sarah Everard, a woman who was raped and killed in London by a police officer. One of the loudest countries is Mexico where violence against women an...
Poland in the lead – but where?

Poland in the lead – but where?

Poland has lately ranked top in many European ranking – the question is, is it something to be proud of? The ‘good change’ might not be so good after all. Here are some rankings the government-controlled media might not show you. Fastest autocratizing country in the world The report ‘Autocratization Turns Viral’ conducted by Varieties of Democracy placed Poland on the 1st place. The report measured how much countries’ positions as democratic states fell in the last 10 years. Not surprisingly, experts noted that the biggest blows to Polish democracy occurred after 2015. They came in form of erosion of rule of law as well as attack on the judiciary system and the media. Because of that, Poland preceded such countries as Hungary, Turkey, and Bolivia that also made their way into the Top...
How the COVID-19 pandemic affects gender equality.

How the COVID-19 pandemic affects gender equality.

Doubtlessly, the pandemic has affected our lives on several levels. Aside from job and income insecurity or travel and meeting constraints, it has been understood that the persisting circumstances also impact the fundamental aspects of the society. Among them, gender equality has been recognised as a factor at substantial risk of regress. The World Economic Forum (WEF), the United Nations (UN), and other international organisations have agreed that the coronavirus pandemic is a major challenge for progress in the area of gender equality and women’s empowerment. Increased domestic violence There are many layers to the issue. The one that has been already recognised at the early stages of the pandemic was increased domestic violence against women after lockdowns were introduced na...
The history of Italian influence on cuisine in Poland
Historia, Najlepsze

The history of Italian influence on cuisine in Poland

Italy and Poland may not be close to each other geographically, but distances are no limits for good tastes. The beginning of the history of Italian food in Poland is hard to determine. Most people, when asked, will with no hesitation say one name: Bona Sforza. This Polish queen, wife of Sigismund I the Old, was indeed Italian – Milanian to be exact. Before moving to Poland to become a queen, she lived as a princess in the South of Italy – in Bari. She was a very educated woman, with big ambitions, so upon coming to Poland, she quickly started to engage in all kinds of intrigues and businesses. Her great success in managing property brought her unprecedented wealth, making her, arguably, the richest woman in Polish history. Italian lifestyle of Bona Sforza Bona wasn’t ver...
10 rewolucyjnych czołgów XX wieku – FILM
Historia, Najlepsze

10 rewolucyjnych czołgów XX wieku – FILM

XX wiek dał początek czołgom – maszynom, które zmieniły charakter wojny. W trakcie wojen, a także między nimi, postęp technologiczny był bardzo szybki, więc kolejne pojazdy korzystały z nowszych i bardziej zaawansowanych technologii. Po II Wojnie Światowej, która była złotą erą dla rozwoju czołgów, postęp znacząco nie zwolnił, więc rozwój pojazdów opancerzonych przynosił kolejne owoce w postaci nowych rozwiązań, które miały zapewnić przewagę nad czołgami przeciwników. Franciszek Niecz, MYP2(ic) Projekt został wykonany w ramach szkolnego programu tutoringowego.
Is there life on Mars?
Najlepsze, Nauka

Is there life on Mars?

In order to celebrate the fact that Perseverance reached the Red Planet, I decided to write the overview of us, Terrestrians and our history with Mars. The NASA Mars Exploration Program currently has five operating missions on the Red Planet, all with the same goal: answer question “Is there life on Mars?”. But let’s start from the very beginning, shall we? God of War It is hard to say when was the first time that Mars was recorded as a wandering object on the night sky, but it is known that by 1534 BCE ancient Egyptian astronomers already knew about its retrograde motion. Later, Babylonian scientists would regularly record the position of the planet, and thus make systematic observations of its behavior. They even developed some arithmetic techniques to predict the futu...
Wywiad z Katarzyną Ramotowską, fotografką przyrody i przewodniczką po Biebrzy, nagrodzoną tytułem „Przewodnik Roku 2011”
Ekologia, Najlepsze

Wywiad z Katarzyną Ramotowską, fotografką przyrody i przewodniczką po Biebrzy, nagrodzoną tytułem „Przewodnik Roku 2011”

Jan Dobkowski: Dlaczego wybrała Pani akurat Biebrzę? Katarzyna Ramotowska: Trudno mi znaleźć jednoznaczną odpowiedź, bo jest ich kilka. Po pierwsze, od dziecka byłam mocno zafascynowana przyrodą, ale nie wiedziałam, w jakim rejonie chciałabym realizować swoje zainteresowania. Nie miałam też świadomości, że urodziłam się u źródeł Biebrzy i tam się wychowałam, a właściwie wychowały mnie biebrzańskie bagna. Siedem lat mieszkałam u dziadków i nie widywałam się z innymi dziećmi, ale przez ten czas obcowałam z przyrodą mokradeł. A jednak to, że potem wróciłam nad Biebrzę, było zbiegiem okoliczności. Kiedy zaczęłam studia w Białymstoku, okazało się, że mój uniwersytet ma swoją stację terenową w Gugnach nad Biebrzą. To właśnie tutaj, w to bogactwo przyrodnicze, trafiłam na pierwszym ro...
How the feminist movement in the 1960s in the US excluded Black women from fighting for equality
Najlepsze, Społeczeństwo

How the feminist movement in the 1960s in the US excluded Black women from fighting for equality

Women’s Rights Movement, also called the Women’s Liberation Movement (WLM), was part of the “second wave” of feminism and a historically crucial social act. Unlike first-wave feminism, which involved suffragettes fighting for women’s legal rights such as the right to vote (as late as in the late 19th to early 20th century), the Women’s Liberation Movement is often regarded as ‘diverse’ because of the wide range of different aspects of women’s lives that were brought up by it. Second-wave feminists Second-wave feminists demanded equality in the areas of politics, work, the family, and sexuality, in opposition to prevailing social attitudes which favoured traditional gender roles in every one of these fields. Even though the end of World War II allowed for the service sector to de...