wtorek, 22 października


Wojna Rosyjsko-Ukraińska – co się dzieje, jak pomóc?
Historia, Najlepsze

Wojna Rosyjsko-Ukraińska – co się dzieje, jak pomóc?

Konflikt rosyjsko-ukraiński rozpoczął się w lutym 2014 r., kiedy to Rosja zaatakowała Krym i Donbas, rozpoczynając wojnę hybrydową pomiędzy tymi krajami. Kraj ten również od jakiegoś czasu wymaga, aby Ukraina nigdy nie miała możliwości dołączenia do NATO oraz jego działania zostały ograniczone w rejonach Europy Wschodniej. Putin wierzy, że stworzenie odrębnego państwa Ukrainy nie ma podstawy w historii, gdyż było ono wcześniej częścią ZSRR. Geneza wojny 21 lutego 2022 r., Putin podpisał deklarację, uznając niepodległość i suwerenność dwóch separastycznych republik: Donieckiej i Ługańskiej Republiki Ludowej. Prezydent Ukrainy wprowadził stan wojenny – każdy mężczyzna od 18 do 60 roku życia ma obowiązek zostać w kraju. Ukraina oficjalnie zerwała stosunku dyplomatyczne z Rosją. ...
Michael I – Romanian king who fought radical ideologies
Historia, Najlepsze

Michael I – Romanian king who fought radical ideologies

Michael Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, in Romania known as Mihai I became the king of his homeland in 1940. It wasn’t his first time – between 1927 and 1930 he held the same title, but due to his age (5 years old on the day of coronation) he didn’t rule. The regents didn’t become popular and in 1930 Michael’s father Carol returned from Paris to become the ruler. Carol II was an ambitious person who wanted to increase his political power and influence. He was also considered to be a supporter of Western democracies. The far-right Garda le Fier (Iron Guard) and pro-German politicians opposed this policy. When pro-Axis Ion Antonescu became a Prime Minister he decided to secure his rule in Romania and forced Carol to abdicate. On 6th September 1940 19-years-old Michael became a king agai...
The new Concorde?
Najlepsze, Technologie

The new Concorde?

Nearly 20 years ago, the world saw the retirement of the first supersonic passenger aircraft. The Concorde featured many flaws such as an ear bursting din, inefficient engines and over priced tickets, simply the Concorde was an economical and environmental disaster. But now, two decades later, numerous startups are forming up to build a new supersonic passenger aircraft and Boom seems to be the most promising one so far. Boom is the first manufacturer to actually provide a 1:3 scale prototype, named the XB1. The prototype is meant to exhibit the shape, features and quirks of the new subsonic jet. Faster than the Fastest, Better than the Best Air travel has stayed consistent for the past 50 years, regarding the speed of aircraft flown. Most “Modern Day” passenger planes fly a...
German Romanticism in visual arts
Najlepsze, Sztuka

German Romanticism in visual arts

German Romanticism was an intellectual movement among German-speaking countries and generally German-speaking communities in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Its impact is reflected in aesthetics and literature. Compared to another pioneering European movement – English Romanticism, German Romanticism valued humor and beauty as well as wisdom. Focus on nature The object of focus at the time was nature and the spiritual aspects of it. Visual artists explored landscape psychization, portraying their motherlands. The role of painters was to contemplate the ethereal, almost psychic character of the environment, and translate it into art. The compositions varied for a modern viewer, some had a surrealistic feel into them, while others had more of an impressionist take. T...
How to become a psychotherapist?
Najlepsze, Nauka, Porady

How to become a psychotherapist?

  A psychotherapists job is to aid anyone willing to be helped, doesn’t matter if they’re neurotypical or suffering from some mental disorder. The importance of people working in psychotherapy is steadily increasing, especially in the time of normalization of therapy as well as, society stepping away from its previous harmful stigma surrounding therapy. Steps of becoming a psychotherapist Now, although becoming a psychotherapist may be rewarding for the simple joy of helping those in need, the hardships one must face to become, and maintain, this job, such as the expenses and time of experience, as well as the mentally draining nature of this work, should be considered before choosing this path. Firstly, the steps of becoming a psychotherapist may seem easy, simply receiv...
Who can be a Japanese citizen? A take on systemic racism in Japan
Najlepsze, Społeczeństwo

Who can be a Japanese citizen? A take on systemic racism in Japan

On a sunny Saturday in New York, after a dramatic match, the Japanese tennis player Naomi Osaka won the 2018 US Open final. It was a great revelation, with her facing off the net game legend Serena Williams; however, not all fans celebrated with her on that day. In Japan, the country in which she was born and in the culture of which she was raised, by some she was not considered a worthy national representant. In the recent years, the discussion on who can be a Japanese citizen has been on the rise. It comes as the percentage of mixed race or multinational families is surging. Under the current law, at the age of 22, anyone who formally possesses another nationality has to choose which one to keep. Osaka herself faced the issue, picking to represent Japan in the followin...
Maximilien Robespierre and the French Revolution
Historia, Najlepsze

Maximilien Robespierre and the French Revolution

Maximilien François Marie Isidore de Robespierre was a French lawyer and statesman, best known for his incredible influence on the French Revolution. Maximilien Robespierre is best known as the principal figure behind the Reign of Terror, a period of radical revolutionary activity in France during which thousands were executed for “crimes against liberty”. Involvement in the Revolution Robespierre’s political affiliations varied - he was part of the Jacobin Club, the National Convention and the Committee of Public Safety, all of which played a pivotal role in French politics. As a member of the Constituent Assembly and the Jacobin Club, he advocated for universal manhood suffrage and the elimination of both clergy celibacy and slavery. In 1791, Robespierre became a vocal advocate for...
Christmas Truce 1914
Historia, Najlepsze

Christmas Truce 1914

  In the recent days, Christmas is a very special day for plenty of reasons. Today, it's something more than a Christian celebration of Jesus's birth, in the mass culture it's a day when people forget their disputes, grudges and negative emotions. Instead, they try to be friendly to everyone. But how far this can go? 107 years ago whole Europe saw the true strength of Christmas spirit and something unbelievable happened – during one of the bloodiest wars ever, soldiers from two sides stopped fighting and celebrated this day together. Background On 28th of August 1914 the Great War began. Austro-Hungarian attack on Serbia turned into conflict which engaged all of contemporary Great Powers. Both sides hoped for a quick victory – for example Germans followed the Schlieffen's Plan w...
Brain organoids – science-fiction in real life
Najlepsze, Nauka

Brain organoids – science-fiction in real life

In the last decade, the interest in human stem cells in therapy increased due to the demand for new technologies for curing particular diseases. Some time ago, “organoids”- organs-like structures from stem cells in our body were created, just like in a science fiction book. Organoids can provide knowledge about the complexity of the organs, how they work, grow, or even how the diseases form on them. However, this new “tool” raises several ethical and moral issues. Ethics behind the use of human stem cells to grow the brain Most attention gets to brain organoids as the matter of undefined existence of developed consciousness as it is the characteristic of the brain. However, is the creation of new healthy organs beneficial for society to cure diseases located in the brain? The questio...
Land art in Pieńki
Najlepsze, Szkoła, Sztuka

Land art in Pieńki

Land art centres around rejection of the commercialization of art-making and includes spiritual reflection on the planet Earth as home to humanity. It is made directly in the landscape, sculpting the land itself into earthworks or making structures in the landscape using such objects as rocks or twigs found on-site. During our open air workshops in Pieńki students had an unique opportunity to work distant from urban areas. They observed the vast sky and the distant horizon line; variability of colours and light depending on the time of day and weather. They examined different structures and textures of natural materials like soil, stones, vegetation, and water. These observations were a starting point for land art assignment. The aim of the task completed in Pieńki was to expan...