poniedziałek, 31 marca


The Creation of the Unabomber
Najlepsze, Nauka, Społeczeństwo, Uncategorized

The Creation of the Unabomber

The University and Airline Bomber, or as deemed by the media - Unabomber, severely injured nearly two dozen people, and caused the painful deaths of three individuals. He had the FBI wildly, and fruitlessly, chasing him for nearly 17 years, and the public shaking in fear for the same amount of time. Yet, according to him, he only did these heinous acts to warn the public, to spread his manifesto, claiming in it that technology is the doom of man, it seems that he was the doom in this case. Who’s the face behind the killings? However, what was the reason for this certified genius of a mathematics professor to snap and turn violent? Could this abrupt change of behaviour be blamed on his untreated schizophrenia mixed with rough childhood experiences, or was there more to the pi...