środa, 12 marca

Rok: 2021

QAnon – the elites are eating children, again
Najlepsze, Społeczeństwo

QAnon – the elites are eating children, again

Evil elites, child murders, satan worshipping and magical life-lengthening methods have always been present in conspiracies. As early as the middle ages people have believed in blood libel, a conspiracy that accused Jews of murdering non-Jewish children in order to use their blood for religious rituals. Recently the QAnon conspiracy is gaining popularity, partly because of the involvement of its followers in the attack on the capitol. What are the contemporary faces of those centuries-old conspiracies? What is QAnon? QAnon is a far-right conspiracy theory. Its followers believe that “the elites”, which most often means the media, the government or the rich, run the world. Sounds familiar and not shocking at all. However, QAnon’s most important belief is that those elites eng...
Capitol Riots – white supremacists challenge to America
Najlepsze, Społeczeństwo

Capitol Riots – white supremacists challenge to America

The coup d’état attempt at the Capitol was a display of White privilege we should have seen coming. On January the 6th, 2021, soon after we have enthusiastically welcomed the new year and the United States have welcomed their new government lead by elect-president Joe Biden and vice-president Kamala Harris, events unfolded which put the security of American democracy in question. During a session of Congress certifying Joe Biden’s electoral victory, a group of pro-Trump rioters, armed with guns and bearing the infamous Stars and Bars, stormed into the Capitol in order to block Biden’s win. “We just saw an attempted coup d’etat. Blame Trump. Blame his Republican enablers.” writes Eugene Robinson for The Washington Post. Attempted coup d’état On footages run across soci...
Women rights in El Salvador – 30 years in prison for miscarriage
Najlepsze, Społeczeństwo

Women rights in El Salvador – 30 years in prison for miscarriage

Considering the latest events in Poland, it would be valuable to stop and wonder, where our country is heading. On 22 October, the Constitutional Court deemed abortion in case of severe fetus defects unconstitutional. Some politicians also declared that they would fight for further limitations, that is to illegalize abortion in case of rape. It was definitely not the first time someone tried to vastly limit women’s bodily autonomy. In 2016, women all over Poland took to the streets to protest against a citizens’ bill initiative ‘Zatrzymaj aborcję’ (eng. Stop the abortion). In times when the politics steadily shift towards restraining women’s body sovereignty, people should look at countries where this has already happened. Harsh abortion law In 1998, El Salvador has changed i...