środa, 12 marca

Rok: 2016

Pierwsze posiedzenie Rady Szkoły

Pierwsze posiedzenie Rady Szkoły

Pierwsze posiedzenie nowo wybranej Rady Szkoły odbyło się w ostatnią środę (20.01.). Premier Szkoły, Katarzyna Rylewicz, przedstawiła program, a także powołała członków Rady na następujące urzędy: Wicepremier - Jeremiasz Ojrzyński Minister Finansów - Julia Ziemba Minister Sportu i Koordynator ds. Kulturalno-Organizacyjnych - Kajetan Huruk (zajmie się usportowieniem naszej szkoły na szerszej arenie i promocją sportu) Minister Spraw Wewnętrznych - Kaja Molińska (zajmująca się budową bazy danych wolontariatów i naukowych wyjazdów wakacyjnych) Minister Kultury i MUNów - Zuzanna Kalwat (z propozycjami utworzenia Senior Prank Day i Spirit Week) Minister Komunikacji - Julia Czeladko Podczas pierwszego spotkania obradowano o nowej stronie internetowej szkoły. Wszyscy zgodzili...
MEDtalks – meeting with doctors

MEDtalks – meeting with doctors

MEDtalks is a new project created by our students, Paulina Kumięga and Wojtek Wieczorek. It is a series of meetings with famous doctors and a great opportunity to ask questions and discuss different issues connected to studying medicine. The series started last Thursday and a lot of students from all around Warsaw came to talk about becoming a doctor. The opening guest was Professor Marek Kuch, a dean at the Medical University of Warsaw. He presented the university and talked about its programme. Students had a chance to ask for advice and win books for the best questions. But are there any wrong questions about choosing medicine? It is for sure a very hard decision and an even harder study programme. That is why, more meetings are planned and will be held soon. All are welcome...
Playing the City

Playing the City

On Tuesday 17th November 2015, we had the pleasure to listen to a lecture given by Wojciech Kotecki, an renown architect and urbanist. The title of the lecture was 'Playing the City'. First, the lecturer introduced himself and showed us a couple of pictures of the convention bureau in Katowice, which he and his colleagues had designed, and which is one of his favourite designs. He mentioned also that his project of the Town Hall in Konstancin was chosen the best of all the submissions and is being realised now. The architect is also a contest judge in the Polish Architects Union. Inspired by games After listing most of the projects he has done in the past, Wojciech Kotecki told us what inspired him to become an architect. He said that in the past he was not the best student and h...